This blog is about process. In art and maybe thought. The quasi-dictionary definitions are to describe the 'feeling' part of the process because there is always an emotional/passionate component beyond the tools and materials. What is it that got this particular piece off the ground? What was the personal involvement? In reading bios/artist's statements, I sort of get lost in the language, so I decided to make this one served by the K.I.S.S. 'one word' principle for each piece.
As for biography, I have had a great life, great friends and teachers, great parents, great husband, great kids and grandkids. Seattle born and permanently attached to living in California. Great high school art program that directed my path. I do lots of stuff. I love it. It's a journey.
Favorite quotes, both from Emil Zola:
"An artist is nothing without the gift, and the gift is nothing without the work."
"If you ask me what I can be in this world, I, an artist, will answer you. I am here to live out loud."
I think both of those quotes have to do with being unafraid. "Today is the day to do it." —carole dwinell
Friday, September 3, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Wild Poppies - watercolor/pastel
The objective was to loosen up, be less concerned with detail. This was very difficult for a person who is enamored of detail.
The process. Using 300 lb Arches cold press watercolor paper, I wet the paper, pooled small containers of different colors on that paper, moved those colors around, pulled them off with rags or paper towels or poured it all off. Manipulated like crazy. Then sprayed it with water, lifted that off, and generally messed around. Woof. That was fun.
Finally, when it was dry I accentuated the detail, with more watercolor, even some pastels to make it into 'something' ... or not. What was interesting was figuring out what it was after all that floating, spraying, lifting. Poppies or other flowers are always pretty safe. For a first time wild watercolor, safe is good. There was some addition of a fixative somewhere during the process so that the pastels wouldn't move around while putting in those final touches. All things considered, it was quite a departure from my usual, maybe unhealthy, search for perfection. So in a sense, this exercise was an introduction to 'perception' in a good way. It's a fantastic process. Let go and give it a try.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
1 way of proceeding, performing a task